Tuesday, March 22, 2011


maybe you're like me and have never heard of geocaching. i was more than intrigued when aleena beth shared at lunch on sunday that she had found some great geocaches near by, does anyone want to come with? erich and tim had already been and were instantly enthused.

adam and i had never heard of it. aleena explained that geocaches are like old arm pillboxes filled with themed items. you take one, and you leave one. you can look them up online or with your geocache app on your phone. it's like a treasure hunt. all you have to do is put the lat/longitude into your gps, or on your phone, and it'll lead you to where "X" marks the spot!!

our first geocache!

this one was filled with all kinds of art and beautiful paintings

it's too bad that adam's body does not agree with the woods, we found 8-10 ticks on him when we got back to the car. needless to say: he was freaking out!!

we still managed to do another geocache or two for the day.

it was a great day, filled with hilarious new memories!

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