Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i just got yelled at for ironing in my room
thats not allowed either
yesterday i got yelled at for having my wax machine on, i have to be with it at all times
a month ago i got yelled at for not standing by the toaster oven

but tomorrow starts easter break!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

chilling with tori

tori helped me navigate the ridiculous vacuum cleaner, which is pretty much a fifty pound backpack.

and then we just passed the afternoon catching up on reading and listening to some awesome pandora stations together =]

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


maybe you're like me and have never heard of geocaching. i was more than intrigued when aleena beth shared at lunch on sunday that she had found some great geocaches near by, does anyone want to come with? erich and tim had already been and were instantly enthused.

adam and i had never heard of it. aleena explained that geocaches are like old arm pillboxes filled with themed items. you take one, and you leave one. you can look them up online or with your geocache app on your phone. it's like a treasure hunt. all you have to do is put the lat/longitude into your gps, or on your phone, and it'll lead you to where "X" marks the spot!!

our first geocache!

this one was filled with all kinds of art and beautiful paintings

it's too bad that adam's body does not agree with the woods, we found 8-10 ticks on him when we got back to the car. needless to say: he was freaking out!!

we still managed to do another geocache or two for the day.

it was a great day, filled with hilarious new memories!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

yeeaahhh all that hard work is paying off

guess who has a 3.5, THIS GIRL!!! ahahahahayaayaya

i'm pretty sure anyway. i think i have an 88 something which translates to a 3.47 i think and then one class didn't get factored in yet, and i have 90s in that class, so i just took the liberty of bumping it up a point.


Thursday, March 3, 2011


my parents are coming to visit
to visit
to visit!!!

they're staying till tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

migraine madness

i missed a test today cuz when i woke up for it i had

  1. a major migraine
  2. only three more hours of sleep
  3. absolutely no way of passing it
not to mention we got back late last night because we had to take adam to the ER. major fun there too. and so the doctor says he sprained a muscle near his heart and around his ribs and in his neck, which is painful, and that due to anxiety his arms go numb. real fun stuff. but he's doing better.

and now i have a meeting with the dean. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

impromptu girls night!!

wow. pampering night for sure! Krista Tarnowski and Carina Slimm and i ditched the reading and put on face masks, prettied up our nails, and soaked in a hair mask. lol. i love being a girl ♥

those chocolate face masks LITERALLY smell like chocolate and feel like chocolate frosting. im not sure if krista's mask felt like sea kelp though.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

shark week

why did the calvinist cross the road? because he had to

why did the arminianst cross the road? because he wanted to

LOL. shark week at zion is when we have a faculty series of sermons. the teachers take one week out of the semester to preach/teach on a specific topic for the week. this week it's calvinism vs. arminianism. so far there's been some great points made :]

eve cooler than shark week was the SUPERBOWL PARTY!! w00t! GO GREEN BAY! it was so much fun, we had a huge competition between the steelers fans and ourselves. of course we won :] 

yesterday i finished all my reading for the week, but tonight i really have to study (which is of course why i'm blogging lol). i have an exam and a paper due tomorrow :/

so back to that ; )

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

snowed all over

well this is our second snow day for the semester, and we actually had 20 inches. compared to last week's "cry wolf" snow day, we had like an inch then lol. this snow day was a lot more productive for me, i got a lot of reading done and only went out for meals and to cut hair.

i'm making some lasting friendships and discovering amazing things about the individual girls i'm coming to love and trust. to two particular girls i am the 'third roommate' haha; i even have a quart of my milk in their refrigerator i'm in there so much! reading of course lol.

and when people said that God would bring me to an all new place and things would break down and change in me i had no idea how true that would be. i thought, sure of course i'll be in a christ centered environment and naturally i'll love spending time with God and studying about Him. but this? what i'm going through down, the purging my heart is going through, is so refreshing and so difficult all at once. i understand now what they meant when they said things would change. i do feel changed. i absolutely have to rely on my all powerful God. for sure no one else would step up to take these burdens off of me. and to replace them with ultimate healing. the two major things i'm going through right now are definitely the hardest things i have ever gone through, and somehow i wake up and continue on with my day, not just slugging through it, but with JOY! and i can only thank my Father God for that. Hallelujah! i'm so happy to be His.

back to reading :)

You hold my very moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You, I trust in You

I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe

And I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

Sunday, January 23, 2011

candlestick bowling/blowing out candles

Well the weekend started off with candlestick bowling.
zion had rented out the entire bowling alley and all of the arcade

Candlestick bowling is kind of complicated, they're not real pins, and you get three small bowling balls, and technically six turns. I spent most of the night playing DDR with Jesse (except my up button was broken) and then hanging out with people from lane to lane. eventually i settled on lane twelve, where Ethan (three strikes - not bowling strikes) and i had an intense competition for first place. he won, of course, so he had to clean up soda cans lol. adam didn't go because he had injured his foot playing ping pong LOL, he said it was his footwork. either way he must have really been in pain because he had really wanted to go. for the wings and pizza at least.

then saturday i went to starbucks with tori, brianna, and stephani fuoco. on our way to the car though she threw out her 'trash' (which was really her target returns). So the girls cheerleader mounted me into the trash can to retrieve it (thank God it was mostly empty). of course it was already all over facebook, so i kept getting garbage girl comments all day lol. 

today i mostly just went to church, took a nap, went to lunch, played ping pong with adam, then went to dinner again lol. now i have a load of reading to do.

blowing out candles
i also tried to catch up with my brother since it's his birthday =]

peace out <3

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

fresh new blanket, fresh blankets of snow, oh wait: SLUSH!

I am fairly certain that I might have been less soggy at the end of the day if I had walked over the pond (and even if I had fallen in) instead of the pathways here. I have completely and totally soaked my "weatherproofed" boots. I have now gone through three pairs of socks.
"He hat put a new song in my mouth, even PRAISE unto our God" Psalms 40:3
With that, I can only cease my grumbling, and tell about the new song that today was for me. Nothing dramatic, but today was first class Systematic Theology I (YAY!! my first college credit class ever!!) and it was cute. I say cute because (funny story): one of the new freshmen like me fell passed out dead asleep. I mean his mouth was WIDE open, his body completely spent over, and he was just chill. Of course adam had to roar in laughter when he saw this. I mean it: roar. It was so loud everyone was laughing at adam and the new kid (as if im not a new kid too) and both of their faces were so red. beat red.

We also had our first chapel and President Crabtree talked about how important it was to purpose in your heart to be righteous. That when you choose righteousness, you become an influencer, and God promotes you so much more powerfully than you could have yourself if you had worked in your own strength. His context was from Daniel, and the story where Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the food that Nebuchadnezzar had offered him. It's not so much about the food than it was about the principle of how Daniel chose to react. He purposed in his heart not to let anything defile the ministry that God had planned for him. And when we decide that Christ is LORD of our life, not just a circumstantial God, that great things happen, people notices, and lives are changed.

Another important point he made was that we are not slaves to the world when we chose against the world. I think so many times as Christians we feel restricted from the "fun things" that we could do. But those fun things also lead us into bondage, pain, shame, resentment, bitterness. And that is being a slave to the world. When we chose against what the world offers, we are choosing freedom! hallelujah!

Well I just wanted to post about that chapel, just so I will always remember what my first chapel sermon was like. Someday that will be interesting.

Tomorrow is thursday: the day I have more classes than all other days (four) and really only a three hour break in the day! I am so looking forward to it though, and learning all the things that God has planned for me.

Goodnight :]

one more funny thing: we also went to target today (kayla, tim, adam, and myself) and the boys spent at least half an hour choosing their curtains for their room. it was really hilarious how much thought they put into it, from the price to the panel size and width to the color the texture the design and how much light they would be letting in. Their concerns carried into dinner where they were really troubled about hot to rearrange their room in the best manner. They chose to do this with the less than satisfactory dinner (to them at least): the green beans and beef stroganoff as models of the furniture and walls. see?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

first post as a college girl :]

I used to blog on xanga, but it's been years; and I think I should restart a blog just because my life is so different from when I started my last blog. Im in a whole new place and praise God for that, for continuing to change my life and strip me of desires so that my faith is stronger in Him. I just want to dedicate the page to Him, that my words are edifying and uplifting and positive, to encourage others but also to encourage myself someday when I look back. 

I have just started my first semester at Zion Bible College, and i am PSYCHED. This is the start of something that has been so long in the making and it is so amazing to finally be here. I have so many things to be thankful for recently. 

  • The ring on my finger for starters: I have just gotten engaged to my best friend in the world, Adam. He proposed on new years, and that's really quite a story itself. 
  • The MacBook on my lap  (apple fanatic right here: )
  • The acceptance letter to Zion itself, I'm thrilled to see what God does in me here. I'm also secretly super excited for my first paper to write, lol. It's been almost two years since high school and the classroom environment and stress is just the right flavor I've been craving for so long now
And that is just the beginning. I could go on and on about God's timing and his grace. But maybe I'll just elaborate on how thankful I am for my new roommate: Jade! I had really prayed that my new roomy would have a man in her life too, just so its not too awkward and tense for those late night boy chats, (ok maybe i stretched the truth a little: i really prayed for someone my size, so we could share clothes!! haha and yes we ARE the same size! how the Lord provides!)  Everything from where my room is on the first floor (awesome!!) to the personality that Jade has is just perfect. We're both night owls, and hitting the snooze button for an hour straight is nothing new for both of us (thank God!!)  She loves milk, I LOVE milk. She's not a healthy food fanatic, I'm definitely not either. We both love sweet stuff, and we're both oober grumpy in the mornings. She's also Hawaiian (like a hundred others here lol) and her island personality is so refreshing, along with her little accent. Plus she's a to-do list fanatic just like me. we're going to be post-it note happy in our room, for real!

On that note, she's coming back in soon, so I better pick up :] Goodnight!!